Monday, May 12, 2008

Does anyone work in May?

Because of the presence of so many holidays, May is certainly a very unusual month in Europe. For instance, we are approaching the middle of the month and until now we had three holidays from which two coincidently fell on a Thursday resulting on a total of five holidays. Counting also the weekends, people actually worked only for three days!

Not that I am complaining, but since people have their vacations now in July and August, I begin to question the saying we have in Brazil that Brazilians have too many holidays. There are definitely less than in any European country.

P.S.: In France, things get even better. Here people already have every Friday afternoon free because of their 35 hours journey. (Vive la France:)


Unknown said...

Not only this (35hours per week and lots of holidays). In many european countries, people also have 6 weeks of holidays. As far as I know, in Brasil it is 4 weeks.

However, in Austria we did not have as many holidays in May as in France. And our holidays do not coincide with the french ones...

Anyway, for PhD students like us, usually with very irregular working schedule, holidays don't mean so much...

Vivek Nigam said...

Yeah you are right, being a PhD student makes our life sometimes easier sometimes harder :). Though the past holidays I gave myself some time to rest and do absolutely nothing.

Anonymous said...

I dont know about you guys. But one of the things that i found most difficult during a PHD is how much work is enough? I alwas ask myself: What am i doing is enough? Should i work today until midnight or not? If i take one day off every week is ok? I keep asking myself these types of questions...I surely want to hard work and try to do a nice phd thesis, but i also want to try to find the right balance between work and personal life. Do you guys ask yourselves these types of questions? And how would you answer this question: How much work is enough for a PHD student? (If ever there is a definitive answer)

Vivek Nigam said...

HI Ivomar, that is really a tough question. I also constantly suffer with similar problems. When my motivation is not in its peak, I usually tend to have more vacations, or concentrate less on my PhD thesis. On the other hand, when I "find" something new, I usually work intensively. I think research is like that. One needs those periods of resting, until it comes a point that you are in the shower and you have that great idea :). At this point, you start to be motivated and work around the clock.

Frankly, I think this is the best aspect of research life: no schedules!

Lisbon Accommodations said...

I agree with you.