Monday, May 5, 2008

Velib Experience

In the past year, Paris has been transformed into a biking town, what I would call the Velib phenomena. Everywhere, you can see these little bike stations from where you can grab a bike, called Velib, ride for a while and leave it any other free station. Since Paris is relatively small, with good metro system, and not having many slopes, Velib has turned out into a huge success.

Finally this past weekend, me and Andrea took the courage to rent two Velibs and for merely one Euro each, we could have it for the whole day. I should also add that we were a bit lucky with the weather; it was a sunny warm afternoon. Soon after you begin riding the bike, you can notice its strength and that it is a bit heavy, but very comfortable. I enjoyed a lot going near the Seine by bike and now that summer is coming, I think the Parisien streets will be full of them.

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