Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Amazing Chomsky

Today I watched a documentary about Noam Chomsky called Rebel without phase (available in youtube), containing several of his interviews about, among other subjects, politics, culture, society and history. Chomsky is amazing for several reasons: he is arguably the most important linguistic in our history; despite of his scientific and scholar duties, he is an active peace and political activist; for instance, since the 60s he continuously criticizes American foreign policies and American society; it is unbelievable the amount of knowledge he has and how much he reads to keep him updated; for example he reads per day an average of six newspapers and per month about eighty journals! But what II found the most amazing about him is that, with his very calm tone, he is able to enlighten an audience about any issue, never mind how polemic it is, with a flawless reasoning based on well constructed arguments and illustrative examples.

I leave the suggestion: Noam Chomsky!


Unknown said...

Hello Vivek!

Welcome to the Blogosphere!! :-)

Anonymous said...

dont quite remember about having heard of chomsky before...but your suggestion is noted: i will try to read some of his work soon...Another thing that i liked about this post of yours is that success doesnt come out of nowhere, chomsky needs to read a lot to keep himself updated and be one of the greatests linguistics alive. That makes me remind of a famous sentence sentenced said i think by einstein (more or less like this): "In life, success is 1% due to inspiration and 99% due to transpiration. "! Let's try to keep that in mind.

Vivek Nigam said...

Hey guys! Thanks for posting. After seeing your nice blogs, I was a bit jealous and decided to make my own!

Ivomar, I definitely agree that to be among the great one needs persistence, but I also think that one needs to have a special mind! Chomsky has a special mind.