Monday, April 21, 2008

Paper Accepted!

Just received this weekend the IJCAR acceptance notification with three reviews of my submission (together with Dale) about focusing and linear meta-logic. I've already commented about this paper before; the main contribution was to use the focusing theorem to encode different object logics, by just playing with the polarity of meta-level atoms.

The reviews were really good (3 accepts from 3 reviewers with high confidence). They did not point out any major problem in the paper and even pointed out some interesting directions that we already thought of tackling, for example, to obtain in a similar fashion an encoding of focused proofs, and perhaps, ultimately provide an alternative proof of the focusing theorem for linear logic. I think that is too ambitious, but I am already able to encode focused proof systems, such as LJF and LKJ, by extending the focused proof system used in the paper, to one with non-canonical exponentials. I hope that this will be my next contribution to the area.

Now, after this positive boost to my confidence, I have to start seriously to find some more deeper results.


Rafael PeƱaloza said...

Hey, congrats! I am going to IJCAR too! (if I manage to get some money for traveling), my paper is about explanations using automata... so maybe we will meet in Australia in August.

Vivek Nigam said...

That is great! Congrats! I am trying to get some money for the travel as well... if this works out, see you in Sydney!

Anonymous said...

Congrats for the paper Vivek!!
Have fun in sidney :)