Monday, July 28, 2008

Achieving Perfection

This week, me and Andrea were at Barcelona, visiting the town for a week and what impressed me the most was the Casa Batllo, a house designed by the famous Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi. In my trips through Europe and elsewhere, I've seen several beautiful momuments and buildings, but this house had something more, it was not only beautiful, but also practical. All ornaments had not only its place in the house's sea world theme, but also its function in mainting either the rooms and halls illuminated, ventilated or something else.

This is exactly what research is all about: finding beautiful symmetries in theories that are also useful in, say, computer science. A theory that is only beautiful lacks the same as a theory that is useful but ugly. Gaudi, indeed, achieved perfection in his research field.


Anonymous said...

Barcelona is a real beautiful city. I enjoyed it a lot too when i visit there in 2003! Man after the previous post that you talk about the respect thing and this one that you mix arts and science i would definitely would vote for you if you ever run for the presidency of Brazil hehe! Consider that :) Cheers!

Vivek Nigam said...

hahaha. I think I am getting too serious in my post these days :).